When importing needs, it may remain in the ‘Requested’ status for an extended period. Is this normal?2024-12-03T15:21:18+00:00

This behavior may occur and is a known issue. An enhancement is planned for Release 3.40.

Is it possible to include information about the status of the need (approved, denied…) and the progress of the training (in progress, not started…) in the Task Plan Needs report?2024-11-12T17:03:48+00:00

Yes, this is possible. You can configure these fields in Preferences > Report Configuration > Needs Report Data, for a global configuration for new tasks, but also individually, in each task, in the tab General during task configuration or within the task in the Reports tab. In the tab Reports, select Needs Report Data and then select the fields Need Status and Training Status and drag them to the right column.


Can I move trainings with priority 2 and 3 from one task to the other?2024-11-12T16:27:19+00:00

Yes, this is possible. Presuming you have configured the priority as a Training Custom Field in both tasks, you need to generate a report (Task Plan Needs, in the tab Reports) and then save that file to manipulate the data as follows: filter the priority of the needs that you wish to migrate to another plan, create a new file containing the needs having that priority and then import the file in the desired task.


Can I move trainings from one task to another?2024-11-12T16:25:16+00:00

Yes, but this is a manual process. To move trainings from one task to another, you can generate a Task Plans report in the “source” task, download the file generated and save it, in order to manipulate the data as follows: remove data from the file, leaving only the learning object ID and the users ID. Import this file into the desired task.


How can I choose the fields on my reports?2024-11-12T16:49:09+00:00

To configure the fields in your reports, you must go to Preferences > Report Configuration and there you will see all the reports available. Please bear in mind that the Needs Report Data configuration will only be available if the option Report with one line header is selected. If one-line header is not active, the reports will contain all the existing fields without the opportunity to configure. The configurations that you define in the Preferences will be the default values for new tasks. To configure the reports in each task individually, you must use the tab Reports inside the task or when you create or edit a task, in the tab General, look for the options Report Data. In all 3 cases (either in Preferences, in the tab Reports inside the task or in the General tab when you create or edit a task) you will have two columns – simply drag and drop from the left to the right column to select the data that will be included in your report and their order in the resulting file.


Can I import needs for various segments at the same time in one file?2024-10-25T14:11:01+00:00

Yes, you can import needs for all the segments of which you are L&D in one single Excel file.

You must select “Import Needs” on the top right corner menu of the Dashboard and then, in the import window, select Advanced Import Details. In that modal, select Cross Segment Import, upload your file and click on send. This excel file needs to have the learning object id and the users id, please download the template available in that window.

The system will distribute your users throughout their respective segments. This feature is particularly useful when you have a task with various segments and want to import needs to all your users in just one step.


Why is it not possible to assign needs whose status in CSoD is In Progress or Not Started?2024-10-14T14:36:34+00:00

Because currently CSoD doesn´t support the assignment of needs with those status. This means that needs that already have a transcript with the status In Progress or Not Started are blocked by Training Plans and will not be assigned to CSoD.
Forcing the re-assignment would negatively impact the information registered by CSoD, leading to loss of information. To bypass this behavior, the original assignment should first be closed (marked as completed) in CSoD and then, in Training Plans, it’s possible to do the reassignment.

Which session will be assigned to the learner if an event has many sessions2024-05-02T14:53:09+00:00

When the option “Manage Execution at Session Level” is selected in the Task Plan Execution, which session will be assigned to the learner if an event has many sessions?

All of them!

If the sessions are completed within the execution phase of the task, they all will be displayed in the execution tab attached to the user and the total cost displayed will be the sum of the cost of the sessions.

How to define the training cost for an unknown course as required2024-04-27T13:00:23+00:00

When creating an unknown course, how to define the training cost (numeric field) as required and must be more than zero.

You can define the training cost as required by setting it at Preferences > Task Plan Global Configurations > Manage Unknown Courses fields. Doing so will automatically force the price to be higher than zero when creating Uknown Courses.

Allow all members of a group to adjust any training needs in their segment2024-04-27T13:01:10+00:00

For a plan we want all members of a specific group to be able to adjust any training needs in their segment (add/remove/change status), how to configure the plan?

Two options are possible. Let us consider a group“L&D Owner France”

  • Enable the ‘Can override’ feature for the L&D Owner France contribution line. In doing so, all members of the group will be able to change every need below their level by first overriding the need and proceeding with the desired changes.

  • Another solution would be to create the task plan with Workflow Hierarchical Approval enabled (Preferences > Task Plan Global Configurations), which would allow all contributors at superior levels to modify needs from contributors at lower levels. However, this is not our most advised solution as 1) it’s not possible to restrict this permission only to the L&D owner France group and 2) this is an old workflow configuration that we plan to deprecate over time.
Can I insert Training Plans link as a hyperlink in a HTML email template?2023-11-15T07:18:15+00:00

The tag {TRAINING.PLANS.LINK} can be added as a HTML Hyperlink.

Execute the following steps:

  1. Open the template you want to edit
  2. Select the word where you want to create the link:
  3. Click the hyperlink button:
  4. In the modal that pops up select the protocol “other”:
  5. And in the URL insert the tag {TRAINING.PLANS.LINK}
  6. Press ok and it’s done, the link will be replaced with the configured value.
Anonymous users type “Anonymous User Group”2023-09-28T14:21:56+00:00

Training Plans had in the past a single way of creating anonymous users. These users were managed individually and were nominative where you could add specific needs to specific anonymous users. Based on the needs of some customers, we delivered a feature called anonymous user groups, these users had the flexibility to add several needs without specifying for which users the needs were assigned.
Imagine having a group of 5 users:

  • If you assign 5 Excel trainings, it is obvious that each of the group users will have one of this trainings;
  • If you assign 3 Word training, it is obvious that 3 of those users had excel training and word training, and the remaining 2 only had word training;
  • But now,  if you assign 3 powerpoint trainings, it is not obvious to which users those will be assigned, to the ones that already have the word training? To the ones that only have the excel training?

Based on this behavior we have the functionality Anonymous User Group where you assign the needs to that group and only when reconciling the needs with real users you will be able to match the assigned needs to the specific real users.

If a client requirement is to use a collective training plan based on nominative users, it is  required to create unique Anonymous Users, and that can be done using the Create Anonymous Bulk Users. This way they can create multiple anonymous users and assign needs to specific anonymous users.

What is this reconciliation error/warning message2023-09-14T12:59:59+00:00

When reconciling the platform alerts with a generic message that there are discrepancies. It occurs if:
– Divisions are different,
– Positions are different,
– Locations are different,
– Cost Centers are different,
– Managers are different.

It will also compare if there are any overlapping needs that will be reconciliated. Example the anonymous user has “English 1”, but the user that we are reconciling with also have that need assigned to him in the plan.

Which email can we use when assigning training to inform the target audience that a course has been validated for him/her ?2023-03-30T11:30:55+00:00

Which email can we use when assigning training
to inform the target audience that a course has been validated for him/her ?

The emails sent by Training Plans are contributor/approver centric.
This means that we are focusing on the notification of contributions/approvals
 to be done instead of focusing on notifying the user that a need was added to him.
It is possible to notify the users, using the CSoD emails associated with the LAT Api. 
Using this option at the time of assignment to CSoD, the user will be notified about the training being assigned to him. 
Take a look into the Training Plans Manual section 3.4.1 Learning Assignment Tool:

Ability to replace a need during execution period detail2023-03-22T10:06:41+00:00

To what concerns the Feature “Associate Planned Courses to Executed Courses”, ability to replace a need during execution period  detail will only  work only if new training has been performed)

For example,

  • during contribution & validation period (January to March), user xxx requests an English training
  • during execution period (April to December), user xxx requests in May Spanish training instead of English one (out of TP / directly in Cornerstone).
  • the new need is accepted and planed in September into Cornerstone.
  • between May and September, on TP it will not be possible to replace the training (task locked since end of March)
    1. during the execution phase it was planned for the English course,
    2. however the Spanish course was done instead, and  completed
  • we will then be able to associate the training with the previous planned English course.

This is the associate executed course main objective, when you have initially planned a course and executed a different one.

Is it possible to update anonymous users in bulk?2023-03-10T13:11:29+00:00

Currently it is not possible to update anonymous users in bulk. 


When is it possible to reconcliate anonymous users2023-03-10T12:55:42+00:00

The system only allows the anonymous user to be reconciled during the contribution or execution phase.

Currently it is not possible to reconcile between those two phases.

Why I’m getting Reassign Error?2023-09-14T12:55:38+00:00

If you are trying to reassign a Curriculum this can be a missing setting in configuration of the Curriculum inside Cornerstone.

You need to be sure you allow the Curriculum to be assigned to the same user more than once.

Check image to verify were you can find that option and change it.

Is it possible to revert a Anonymous User reconciliation.2022-05-24T13:54:57+00:00

Training Plans does not support to revert a Anonymous User Reconciliation.

Reporting of records as executed during execution period2022-05-04T17:04:51+00:00

This FAQ applies to rel 2.56

Training plans associates any training that starts and/or ends during the execution period to that specific Task.
Howevere only trainings that are in the “completed” state are considere.
Trainings that are not in the completed state are only relevant to inform that a user already started a specific training.

If a training starts during a specific execution period and ends after that execution period, the training will be understood only as started, even if it is completed after the execution period, and will not be taken in account in the executed budget.

If a training starts before the execution period and ends during the execution period, it will be considered as completed during the execution period and therefore taken in consideration in the executed budget.

Unexpected Error message2022-02-02T12:10:44+00:00

It may happen that when trying to execute an operation an “Unexpected Error” message appears in the top right of the screen.
We advise for you to repeat the operation, while verifying all fields are completed with the expected values, and its formats.

The error message signal means the operation has not been completed, and that our sistem does not have enough information to deal with it.
We are informed of this event and will debug all of these cases.
Alternatively you can report the event back to us using CSoD ticket tool, with date, time, user information and a brief description of what was the action.

How can I go back to my portal?2021-06-23T10:04:43+00:00

How can I go back to my portal?

In the hamburger menu on top right, the last option is to return to your portal.

What is the default language for the emails?2021-06-23T10:04:58+00:00

What is the default language for the emails?

The emails will be sent in the user language.

If the emails are not setup for that language, then it will be sent in the tenant/client default language.

Can I prioritize courses in a Training Plan?2021-06-23T10:04:14+00:00

Can I prioritize courses in a Training Plan?

Yes, you can use the custom fields, when you add the courses, to set priority to the courses.

Is it possible to complete a training plan with a different executed course?2021-06-15T07:36:11+00:00

Is it possible to complete a training plan with a different executed course?


What are the trainings available to the contributors in Training Plans?2020-09-17T18:59:12+00:00

Training Plans allows the plan to contributed with 3 different training sources:

  • The Entire Catalog available from CSoD, that can be selected when creating the Task Plan.
  • The restricted catalog availability per user defined in Cornerstone.
  • Without any link with Cornerstone, it is possible to create “Unknown Courses” that may be mapped later to existing LOs. These Unknown Courses are managed in Training Plans.
Is is possible to limit the needs raised in compliance with a specific budget?2022-06-23T13:36:24+00:00

Yes. Budget is availble since Rel 2.46

It is possible to limit the number of trainings the Enduser can contribute with?2020-09-17T18:53:06+00:00

Yes. During training plan creation it is possible to map the number of needs that a end user can contribute to his/her Training Plan. The default value is 2.

It is possible to upload a development plan data to Training Plans?2020-09-17T18:51:20+00:00

Yes. Training Plan allows the user to import previously defined needs into the system.

The needs imported into the system need to include the LO and the User ID. It is also possible to import custom data that may be mapped into custom fields previously configured in the Task Plan.


Which OUs (Organizational Units) can be selected?2020-09-17T18:48:16+00:00

Training Plans give the flexibility to choose which OUs can be used and are made available in CSoD portal.


  • Division
  • Position
  • Cost Center
  • etc…

The OUs available range from predefined or even custom OUs and can be configured at Preferences in Organizational Units section.

Which LO types can be selected?2020-09-17T18:48:30+00:00

Training Plans give the flexibility to choose which LO types should be used and are made available in CSoD portal.


  • Online class
  • Event
  • Material
  • Document
  • etc…

The LO types can be configured at Preferences in Learning Object Types section.

How many approval/contribution levels has Training Plans?2023-09-28T14:18:09+00:00

Training Plans currently supports 5 possible levels of approval and contribution:

  • Enduser: The plan target may contribute to his own training plan, and the needs may be approved by a higher level contributor such as manager or L&D’s.
  • Manager: The plan target manager may contribute to his team members training plan, and may be approved by a higher level contributor such as L&D’s.
  • L&D 1: A group or an individual user that can contribute to the entire training plant population, and may be approved by a higher level L&D.
  • L&D 2: A group or an individual user that can contribute to the entire training plant population, and may be approved by a higher level L&D.
  • L&D 3: A group or an individual user that can contribute to the entire training plant population.

A contribution made by a higher level cannot be changed by a lower level contributor.

Check Release 3.00 with the improved approval flow!

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