About user

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So far user has created 27 blog entries.

Release 1.15


Release dates: Pilot 2020/09/2  Live 2020/09/16  Released: Create report asynchronously for high volumes Select users and subordinates Navigate in user hierarchy based on manager relationship Other fixes Fix filter trainings

Release 1.152020-10-09T16:03:54+00:00



Here the user can associate Training Plan roles to groups or users. First you need to select which role you want to assign: There are 3 possible




The Training Plans supports multiple languages, including right-to-left languages such as Arabic or Hebrew. The resource is presented in the first of the following scenarios: Resource is presented


Custom Fields


Custom fields are used to capture additional information for each need included in a training plan task. For example, clients can create a custom field ‘Priority’ to capture the

Custom Fields2020-09-17T17:46:09+00:00

Email Templates


Template Management Here it is possible to configure the emails to be sent to the plan recipient, selecting the email language, change the title, subject and default content.

Email Templates2020-09-22T08:51:01+00:00

Release 1.14


Release dates: Pilot 2020/08/19 Live 2020/09/02 Released: Assigning a need Ability to select the list of users belonging to an OU when assigning a need Lock plan LO price is

Release 1.142020-09-17T17:46:34+00:00

Release 1.13


Release dates: Pilot 2020/08/12 Live 2020/08/26 Released: Email delivery Deactivate/Reactivate a Training Plan task Asynchronous Bulk Approve/Deny for high volumes Asynchronous Import for high volumes Asynchronous Bulk Delete for high

Release 1.132020-09-17T17:46:46+00:00
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